CHANGING SPACES FOR CHARITIES – The Impact on Monitoring Agencies

ICFO and DZI Open Conference

Friday, 16th June 2017, 10:00 to 16:30
Bahntower, Potsdamer Platz 2, 10785 Berlin (Mitte)



Gerhard TIMM, Board Member DZI
Martina ZIEGERER, President ICFO

Burkhard Wilke, Executive Director DZI

Part 1: Changing Spaces for Charities: External and Internal Challenges and Possibilities

A Changing Space for Civil Society – Scientific Perspectives Impulse Statements prepared by Members of the Tocqueville Forum, Berlin

1. Charities and Democracy, Rupert Graf STRACHWITZ, Maecenata Stiftung
2. Internal Changes, Mareike ALSCHER, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
3. Changes  Through the Logic of Civil Society and Citizin, Susanne RATKA, Community Research Project

Shrinking Spaces for NGOs? Practical Experiences and Political Statements
Christine MEISSLER, VENRO / Brot für die Welt, Berlin

Charities, Monitoring, Regulation in India
Harish VASHISTHA, Credibility Alliance, New Delhi

The New Charity Law in China: Transparency and Accountability
YOUPING Liu, China Charity Alliance, Beijing

The Chinese NPO Sector: Challenges and Potentials
Kristin SHI-KUPFER, MERICS – Mercator Institute for China Studies, Berlin

Panel Discussion „Changing Spaces“
Christine MEISSLER – Rupert Graf STRACHWITZ – Harish VASHISTHA – Kristin SHI-KUPFER

Part 2: FATF Policy against Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing – The Impact on Charities and Monitoring Agencies

FATF Recommendations and NPO: Results of Recent Peer Reviews and Outlook on Evaluating the German Sector
Hanna SURMATZ, European Foundation Centre (EFC), Brussels
(Relevant information on the topic of FATF and NPO can be found here:

Preventing Terrorist Financing AND Supporting Humanitarian Aid
Bodo von BORRIES, VENRO, Berlin

Panel „Charities and Terrorist Financing“
Hanna SURMATZ – Bodo von Borries

Collaboration between Charities as a Potential to develop Spaces for Charities
Art H. TAYLOR, BBB Wise Giving Alliance, Washington D.C.
(Further information on ADVANCING COOPERATION can be found here.)

Wrap-Up and Closing Remarks
Martina ZIEGERER, President ICFO

Thank you!
Deutsche Bahn Stiftung gGmbH kindly supports the Open Conference 2017 of ICFO and DZI.

CHANGING SPACES FOR CHARITIES – The Impact on Monitoring Agencies
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